Monday, January 16, 2012

Off The Feeding Tube (Tues 2012-01-17)

On Sun. (2012-01-15) Gabriel yanked out his feeding tube from his nose (formerly in his mouth) for the umpteenth time. Since he had begun doing some oral feeding (still small amounts), we decided to try feeding him completely orally, with prayer for increased sucking & swallowing power. So far his volumes are running well behind the tube-feeding volumes, and are marginal, but it looks like he might make it without the feeding tube, and with bottle nipples with large holes to reduce the sucking power needed. It is very nice to not have the feeding tube in the way all the time, and to have to keep putting on Gabriel’s mittens to keep him from yanking it out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Lord, we pray for total healing for Gabriel, and that this food that he is now taking would provide full nourishment for his body. We love you guys!
