Sunday, April 15, 2012

Having Done All, Stand

Sleeping with open eyes, and cradle cap eyebrows

When I woke up the next morning after our exhausting 12 hr prayer time for Gabriel, the first thought that came into my head was, Having done all, stand (Eph 6:13). After finishing that day we could truly say that we had now done all that we knew how to do for Gabriel. Now is the time to stand firmly in faith against the enemy.
A very big thank you to all who joined us in prayer. We are truly thankful. Many e-mailed that they would pray, and no doubt even more joined us that did not e-mail. At the church itself, we had multiple cell-groups come and join us for an hour or half an hour at a time. Lots of individuals came as well, even for the slots where the church said no one was signed up. The least number we ever had joining us was two people at noon (as we ate) and for the final hour.

The Results

This was one more prayer time with undramatic immediate results. Before the prayer Gabriel was choking on his milk so much that it was becoming hard to get enough into him to keep him going. It was very hard to get enough milk into his stomach before his lungs so filled that he couldn’t breathe. After prayer his drinking has recovered somewhat, and he has sometimes (especially yesterday) taken in large quantities of milk all at once again, and is choking less. His cooing and kicking have picked up a bit too, making him seem a bit healthier overall.
His epileptic fits, on the other hand, which had been ramping up again for the last two weeks, seem to be occurring as often as ever after the prayer.

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