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Look ma, no hands |
I wonder if someone didn’t like my last
week’s entry and my optimism about stopping the seizures? As soon as I had
posted it and gotten to the hospital, Gabriel had two significant epilepsy
episodes. Then at 3:00AM he had maybe the worst episode he has ever had.
Since then the doctors have told us that
they are at the maximum dosage of epilepsy medicine that they are comfortable
with, and he still has a fair number of seizures, tho less than without the
medicine. So we may have to live with seizures till healing comes.
Going Home?
Gabriel is now off oxygen and thankfully has
the IV out of his head. What is left is one wire monitoring his oxygen
saturation and a feeding tube. His feeding tube is still in since we have only
been able to get partial bottles into him before he chokes too much on it or
becomes too congested. He is very congested often, even tho he gets suctioned
by the physiotherapist once or twice a day. (She says it comes from phlegm and
saliva, not from his lungs.) The doctors are talking about him being released
from the hospital, but it remains to be seen if it happens soon.
Rather than a
normal cry, Gabriel has taken to suddenly screaming wildly for normal things like a wet
diaper (the norm for epileptic fits), to the point where it’s often hard to
tell what’s a seizure and what’s a wet diaper. This screaming is rather
disquieting, especially around 3:00AM. How Mama survives this is amazing. I’ve
relieved her in the hospital maybe one night a week to help her catch up on
sleep and sanity. On one night off at home, instead of waking up to express
milk as planned she slept on for 12 hrs straight. That’s exhaustion.
The below 2 minute video (if I ever manage to get it uploaded) is actually the
first video I’ve ever taken of Gabriel, shot tonight. His feeding tube came
loose, but we got that reattached. I cut out the sound to get rid of the irritating crying of the neighbor baby, so it is a silent film.
Naar Huis?
Hij krijgt nu
geen zuurstof meer toegediend en het infuus is uit zijn hoofd verwijderd. Hij
ligt nog wel aan een monitor die de zuurstofverzadiging bijhoudt en heeft een
sonde. Die sonde is omdat hij meestal maar de helft van zijn melk op kan
drinken voordat hij zich teveel verslikt heeft of teveel slijm uit zijn longen
moet ophoesten. Zijn luchtwegen zitten nog behoorlijk vol ook al krijgt hij één
of twee keer per da\ suctie van de physiotherapeut. De artsen zeiden dat hij
misschien volgende week naar huis mag maar dat valt nog te bezien.
In plaats van
normaal te huilen is Gabriel de laatste dagen begonnen te krijsen om gewone
dingen zoals een natte luier (laat staan epileptische aanvallen), zodat het nu
moeilijk is ze uit elkaar te houden.
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