Sunday, April 29, 2012

Still In Hospital

Gabriel (and Mama) are still in the hospital. (Correction from last week: He’s near the ICU, not in it.) The doctors are on the 3rd (and last available) epilepsy drug that they have tried on him. Yesterday he only had one seizure we know of, indicating something that may finally be working. While they tell us this particular drug shouldn’t make him drowsy, he seems groggy continually, as he has been since being in the hospital.

Cords Cords Cords

On Fri they decided that oral antibiotics for his (apparently hospital induced) pneumonia was not working, and lacking any other vein they could access, they inserted an IV in his head. Not too appealing, and very limiting on his head positions; we hope it won’t be necessary much longer.

He has had a very high level of congestion, so they have been regularly suctioning him to evacuate the mucus. Connected to that they have had to give him oxygen. The congestion seems to derive both from the remains of the pneumonia (which they say is cleared up) and the effects of the epilepsy drug. Since drinking milk makes it worse, and since he was having trouble drinking anyway (due mainly to grogginess), they have once again inserted a feeding tube in his nose. Another thing we hope can go soon. On the bright side, with the feeding tube it’s the nurses who do all the feeding.

We are hopeful that we can get him out of the hospital this week with no tubes attached. Pray towards that.

The Ultimate Aim

What would we really like to see happen? Not only would we like to see Gabriel healed, we would like to see the release in the church at large of an era where we begin to see genetic disorders healed often, similar to how hearing problems are quite often healed today in certain quarters. As long as you are shooting for the moon, you may as well figure out how to make regular trips. Hey, it’s 2012, aren’t things like that supposed to start happening?

Link of the week

A great old hymn (formerly unknown to me) with a lovely new tune.
Before the Throne of God Above

1 comment:

  1. Love that song! We are praying for you all and appreciate your blog to keep us up on what is happening. Gabriel is the cutest little guy!!
